
99 lines
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# Changelog
- Parse __more__ binary operators
- Parse `Type name = value` bindings
- Parse more complex bindings
- Watch mode
- Improve error messages
- Parse other language constructions
- Type checking
- Check for conflicting identifiers
- Namespace identifiers in the symbol table
- Stdlib
- Document code
- Watch mode
- Formatter
- Simple language server
- Decide how to handle comments in the syntax (?)(should comments mean something like in rust?)
## v0.0.10
- [x] Parse function call parameters
- [x] Codegen function call parameters
- [x] Parse function declaration arguments (Type id)
- [ ] Begin work on semantic analysis
- [ ] Symbol table
- [ ] Typecheck bindings
- [ ] Typecheck functions
- [ ] Transform simple THP expression into PHP statements
## v0.0.9
- [x] Hand-make CLI, remove clap
- [x] Compile a single file
- [x] Display error messages during compilation instead of panicking
- [x] Improve error messages
- [x] Implement code generation for ast nodes implemented as of now
## v0.0.8
- Parse block of code
- Parse multiple statements inside a block
- Parse unary operator (`!` & `-`)
- Parse binary operators
## v0.0.7
- Parse minimal function declarations following a grammar
- Parse function call, binding as statement
- Parse a statement as body of a function declaration
## v0.0.6
- Parse function declarations
- Parse multiple function declarations
- Parse multiple bindings
- Compile from file
- Emit INDENT & DEDENT tokens
## v0.0.5
- Scan single line comments
- Refactor String token to include double quotes (") in its content
- Refactor datachecking of semantic analysis
## v0.0.4
- Explicit datatype of variables
- Improve error messages when a syntax error is found (show offending line and offending token)
- Show different error messages for val/var binding
## v0.0.3
- Get datatype of an identifier from the symbol table
- Improve documentation of the code
- Simple ASI: insert semicolon after a single or series of new lines
- The token stream now always ends with a Semicolon and EOF token, regardless of input
## v0.0.2
- Compilation of `val` and `var` bindings with a number, string or boolean as value.
- Register symbols and datatypes in the Symbol table.
- Add better error messages for lexical errors. Show:
- Offending line
- Pointer to offending character
- Error message
## v0.0.1
- Compilation of a `val` binding with a number.
- Scan all tokens except new lines, indentation.