207 lines
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207 lines
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# Changelog
- [ ] Implement functions as first class citizens
- [ ] Parse __more__ binary operators
- [ ] Parse more complex bindings
- [ ] Namespace identifiers in the symbol table
- [ ] Stdlib
- [ ] Document code
- [ ] Watch mode
- [ ] Simple language server
- [ ] Decide how to handle comments in the syntax (?)(should comments mean something like in rust?)
- [ ] Abstract the parsing of datatypes, such that in the future generics can be implemented in a single place
- [ ] Begin work on the code formatter
- [ ] Remove all panic! and todo!
- [ ] Change REPL to execute code only after `;;` is found
- [ ] Forward the code generated by the REPL to the PHP repl
- [ ] Test assignment parsing
## v0.1.4
- [ ] Parse obj/map/dict syntax
- [ ] Parse tuple syntax
- [ ] Parse class instantiation syntax
## v0.1.3
- [ ] Test semantic analysis
- [ ] Generate php code from current AST
- [x] Test correct operator precedence
- [x] Parse assignments
- [x] Parse dot `.` operator
- [ ] Parse logic operators `&& ||`
- [x] Parse Array access `arr[pos]`
- [ ] Parse namespace operator `::`
- [ ] Implement subtyping for numbers
## v0.1.2
- [x] Parse conditionals
- [x] Parse arrays
- [x] Parse for loops
- [x] Parse while loops
- [x] Typecheck arrays
- [x] Typecheck if/else if/else
- [x] Typecheck for loops
- [x] Typecheck while loops
- [x] Include Ariadne for error reporting
- [x] Migrate lexic errors to new error interface
- [x] Migrate syntax errors to new error interface
- [x] Migrate semantic errors to new error interface
## v0.1.1
- [x] Top level expressions as statements
- [x] Naively transpile variable bindings
- [x] Store tokens in the AST, to have actual error reporting
- [x] Scan octal and binary numbers
- [x] Simple type checking
- [x] Check for conflicting identifiers at the current scope
- [x] Semantic check for unary operator
- [x] Semantic check for binary operator
- [x] Enforce new lines after every statement
## v0.1.0
- [x] Complete workflow for "Hello world"
- [x] Multiline comments
- [x] Nested multiline comments
- [x] Replace all panics with actual errors
- [x] Remove all old codegen
- [x] Test codegen
- [x] Reenable semantic analysis
- [x] Create minimal type definitions for the stdlib
## v0.0.14
- [x] Define a minimal PHP AST
- [x] Transform THP AST into PHP AST
- [x] Implement minimal codegen for the PHP AST
- [x] Finish the workflow for a hello world
## v0.0.13
- [x] Begin work on a formal grammar
- [x] Simplify/rewrite AST
- [x] Properly parse expression indentation/dedentation
- [x] Define the top level constructs
- [x] Emit INDENT/DEDENT alone instead of NewLine+INDENT/DEDENT
- [x] Refactor code
- [x] Remove `PARSER couldn't parse any construction` error & replace with an actual error message
## v0.0.12
- [x] Infer datatype of an identifier
- [x] Infer datatype of a binary operatior
- [x] Infer datatype of unary operator
- [x] Infer datatype of binary operators
- [x] Infer Int & Float as different types
- [x] Execute semantic analysis on the function's block
- [x] Write tests
## v0.0.11
- [x] Parse binding of form `val Type variable = value`
- [x] Parse binding of form `Type variable = value`
- [x] Infer datatype of `value` in the above for a simple expression (minimal)
- [x] Ensure that the anotated datatype matches the datatype of `value` in the above (binding)
- [x] Infer datatype of a `val variable = value` in the AST: Use the infered datatype (binding)
- [x] Formally define the top level constructs
- [x] Parse bindings and function declarations as top level constructs
- [x] Parse function declaration arguments (`Type id`)
- [x] Parse function return datatype (`fun f() -> Type`)
- [x] Return parsing to variables to var/val
- [x] Write tests
## v0.0.10
- [x] Parse function call parameters
- [x] Codegen function call parameters
- [x] Begin work on semantic analysis
- [x] Minimal symbol table
- [x] Check duplicate function declarations
- [x] Improve REPL/File compilation code
- [x] Check binding duplication in it's scope
- [x] Check function duplication in it's scope
- [x] Transform simple THP expression into PHP statements
## v0.0.9
- [x] Hand-make CLI, remove clap
- [x] Compile a single file
- [x] Display error messages during compilation instead of panicking
- [x] Improve error messages
- [x] Implement code generation for ast nodes implemented as of now
## v0.0.8
- Parse block of code
- Parse multiple statements inside a block
- Parse unary operator (`!` & `-`)
- Parse binary operators
## v0.0.7
- Parse minimal function declarations following a grammar
- Parse function call, binding as statement
- Parse a statement as body of a function declaration
## v0.0.6
- Parse function declarations
- Parse multiple function declarations
- Parse multiple bindings
- Compile from file
- Emit INDENT & DEDENT tokens
## v0.0.5
- Scan single line comments
- Refactor String token to include double quotes (") in its content
- Refactor datachecking of semantic analysis
## v0.0.4
- Explicit datatype of variables
- Improve error messages when a syntax error is found (show offending line and offending token)
- Show different error messages for val/var binding
## v0.0.3
- Get datatype of an identifier from the symbol table
- Improve documentation of the code
- Simple ASI: insert semicolon after a single or series of new lines
- The token stream now always ends with a Semicolon and EOF token, regardless of input
## v0.0.2
- Compilation of `val` and `var` bindings with a number, string or boolean as value.
- Register symbols and datatypes in the Symbol table.
- Add better error messages for lexical errors. Show:
- Offending line
- Pointer to offending character
- Error message
## v0.0.1
- Compilation of a `val` binding with a number.
- Scan all tokens except new lines, indentation.