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Executable File

# Welcome
Misti is _yet another_ toy language to replace JavaScript.
__Misti is indentation based.__
It's objectives are:
- Reduce compilation times using Rust.
- Improve code quality by making the language more expressive.
- Make the language easy to understand by using a consistent syntax (at the expense of familiarity).
- Integrate with existing TypeScript definitions by importing and exporting `.d.ts` files.
- Serve as a side project.
The purpose of the language is to address many of the limitations of JS.
To serve that end, __many concepts from JS may be completely omitted
or replaced with different syntax/semantics__.
Such things will be noted in the documentation where neccesary.
## Syntax summary
## Variables and constants
// Variables and constants
var aVariable = 20
val aConstant = 30
aVariable = 40
// | semi colons not required
// Specify the datatype of a constant
Num aConstant = 30 // <- `val` is optional
// Specify the datatype of a variable
Num var aVariable = 20 // <- `var` required
// You can assign the result of many operations to a variable
val roi =
val income = someIncomeCalculation()
val investment = 25000
income / investment // This will be the value of `roi`
## Basic datatypes
// Basic datatypes
Num number = 40.12345
Bool boolean = true
Str string = "John Doe"
## Conditionals
// Conditionals
if name == "John Doe" do
val message = "Hello John"
else if name == "Mark" do
console.log("Hi Mark!")
console.log("Hello there")
// You can use conditionals as expressions
val response = if risk < 0.2 do "Go ahead" else "Don't"
// There is no ternary conditional
## Arrays
// Arrays
val dates = Array(1990, 1995, 2014, 2015, 2017)
// | There isn't special syntax for array declaration
// so you can't do `[1990, 1995, ...]`
val firstDate = dates.[0]
// | Notice the dot for access
dates.[4] = 2018
// | Dot for mutation
// Array signature
Array[Num] dates = Array(1990, 1995, 2014, 2015, 2017)
// | Square brackets are used for generics
// instead of angle brackes.
## Tuples
// Tuples
val person = #("John", 30, true)
// Destructuring
var #(name, age, isMarried) = person
// Tuple signature
#(Str, Num, Bool) signature = #("John", 30, true)
## Loops
// Loops
for key in object do
console.log("key: {key}, value: {object.[key]}")
for value of array do
console.log("value: {value}")
while condition do
## Functions
// Functions
console.log("Enclose the parameters in parens")
add(10, 20)
// Named parameters
substring(input: "Hello, world!", start: 7, end: 12)
// Funtion declaration
fun add(Num x, Num y) -> Num =
x + y
// Function with default value
fun calculate(Num price, Num discount = 0.0) =
val total = price * (1.0 - discount)
console.log("Your total is {total}$")
calculate(100, 0.25) // "Your total is 75$"
calculate(100) // "Your total is 100$"
## Objects
// Objects
type Person = #{
Str name,
Num age,
val john = Person #{
name: "John",
age: 21,
// An object with arbitrary keys/values
val randomObject = #{
key1: "Any value"
key2: 322,
key3: true,
key4: #{
key5: "zzz",
key6: Person #{
name: "Sarah",
age: 20,
## Classes
// Classes
// Declare a simple class
class Shape
// Classes can not be extended by default.
// To allow inheritance, use @open
class Shape =
// By default methods can not be overrided.
// To allow it, use @open
fun printName() =
print("Generic Shape")
val shape = Shape()
// | There's no `new` keyword, just call the class
shape.printName() // "Generic Shape"
class Rectangle(Num height, Num length) -> Shape() =
// | Constructor parameters
// Properties are always private
val vertexCount = 4
// Methods are private by default
fun perimeter() -> Num =
(height + length) * 2
// To make a method public add @pub
fun area() -> Num =
height * length
// Method override
fun printName() =
print("A rectangle")
val rectangle = Rectangle(10, 20)
rectangle.area() // 200
rectangle.printName() // "A rectangle"
class Square(Num length) -> Rectangle(length, length) =
// | Inheritance
fun printName() =
console.log("A square")
fun printInfo() =
// Use $ to refer to methods/properties of the parent class
console.log("A square with perimeter = {$perimeter()} and area = {$area()}")
## Null safety
// Null safety
// Operations that may fail return an Option value
fun divide(Int numerator, Int denominator) -> Option[Num] =
if denominator == 0 do
None // Equivalent to `null`
Some(numerator / denominator)
val possibleResult = divide(10, 5)
if val Some(result) = possibleResult do
print("The result of the division is {result}")
print("Division by zero")
// `Type?` is syntax sugar for Option[Type]
Num? roi = divide(income, investment)
## Error handling
// Error handling
// A recoverable error
fun testVersionNumber(Str version) -> Result[Int, Str] =
if version == "10" do
else if version == "11" do
Err("Invalid version")
// Legacy try-catch (may change)
try problematicExpression() with
| Error(e) ->
// do something
// must return an expression
## Pattern matching
// Pattern matching
match age with
| 10 ->
// executes when age == 10
| 11 | 12 | 13 ->
// when age == 11, 12 or 13
| _ ->
// when none of the conditions match
Str? result = someOperation()
match result with
| Some(value) ->
// value is a Str
// do operations with v
| None ->
// Handle empty return
Result[Num, Str] result = someOtherOperation()
match result with
| Ok(number) ->
// number is Num
| Err(reason) ->
// reason is Str
Result[Num, Str] result = someOtherOperation()
match result with
| Ok(number) if number > 18 ->
// This matches if number > 18
| Ok(number) ->
// This matches if number <= 18
| Err(reason) ->
// reason is Str
## JSX
// JSX
val element = &lt;div>This is JSX&lt;/div>
val list = fun (item, count) {&lt;li key={count}>{item}&lt;/li>}
href = "./basics/variables-and-constants.html"
title = "Variables and constants"