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2024-05-27 16:42:38 -05:00
.vscode Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
build Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
frontend Login UI 2024-05-27 16:42:38 -05:00
scripts Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
.gitignore Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
app.go Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
go.mod Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
go.sum Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
main.go Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
README.md Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00
wails.json Init 2024-05-27 15:27:05 -05:00

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Wails template which includes: Vite, Solid, TypeScript out of the box

Use this template

wails init -n my-wails-solid -t https://github.com/xijaja/wails-template-solid-ts

Live Development

Run wails dev in the project directory to start it.

If you want to debug in the browser, please enter the frontend directory in another terminal, and then execute npm run dev, the front-end development server will run on http://localhost:34115.


If you need to use tailwindcss and postcss, please enter the frontend directory, Then run the command:

# isntall
npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest

# init tailwind.config.cjs and postcss.config.cjs
npx tailwindcss init tailwind.config.cjs -p

Create tailwind.css file and write:

@import "tailwindcss/base";
@import "tailwindcss/components";
@import "tailwindcss/utilities";

Finally, import in frontend/src/index.tsx:

import "./tailwind.css";


To build a redistributable, production mode package, use wails build.