feat: gen error messages from labels

This commit is contained in:
Fernando Araoz 2024-12-25 08:04:12 -05:00
parent 079e8eb4d4
commit f00af5ebb1

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@ -31,12 +31,20 @@ pub const ErrorData = struct {
pub fn add_label(self: *@This(), message: []const u8, start: usize, end: usize) !void {
try self.labels.append(.{
.message = message,
.start = start,
.end = end,
/// Generates an error string. `alloc` is used to create the string,
/// the caller should call `free` on the returning slice.
pub fn get_error_str(self: *@This(), source_code: []const u8, filename: []const u8, alloc: std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
const faulty_line = get_line(source_code, self.start_position);
const error_message = try std.fmt.allocPrint(alloc,
var error_message = try std.fmt.allocPrint(alloc,
\\Error: {s}
, .{
@ -45,6 +53,33 @@ pub const ErrorData = struct {
errdefer alloc.free(error_message);
// generate errors for each label, and concat
for (self.labels.items) |label| {
const label_line = get_line(source_code, label.start);
const label_error = try std.fmt.allocPrint(alloc,
\\ {d} | {s}
, .{ label_line.line_number, label_line.line });
errdefer alloc.free(label_error);
// append the previous bytes to the current ones,
// in a temp variable
const new_bytes = try std.mem.concat(alloc, u8, &[_][]const u8{ error_message, label_error });
// free the previous bytes
// reference the new bytes
error_message = new_bytes;
// continue
return error_message;
@ -55,7 +90,7 @@ pub const ErrorData = struct {
// - Display message
pub fn deinit(self: *@This()) void {
@ -167,3 +202,28 @@ test "should gen error message" {
, out);
test "should gen error message with label (1)" {
const source = "print(ehh)";
var err = ErrorData{
.reason = "Invalid identifier",
.start_position = 6,
.end_position = 9,
.labels = std.ArrayList(ErrorLabel).init(std.testing.allocator),
.alloc = std.testing.allocator,
defer err.deinit();
try err.add_label("This identifier was not found", 6, 9);
const out = try err.get_error_str(source, "repl", std.testing.allocator);
defer std.testing.allocator.free(out);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\Error: Invalid identifier
\\ 1 | print(ehh)
, out);