
259 lines
8.6 KiB

import { spawn } from "node:child_process";
import { leftTrimDedent } from "../components/utils";
import { HighlightLevel } from "./types";
import type { LexError, SyntaxError, Token, TokenizeResult, TokenType } from "./types";
const error_classes = "underline underline-offset-4 decoration-wavy decoration-red-500";
export async function native_highlighter(code: string, level = HighlightLevel.Lexic): Promise<[string, string, string | null]> {
let formatted_code = leftTrimDedent(code).join("\n");
try {
let result = await native_lex(formatted_code);
return highlight_syntax(formatted_code, result, level);
} catch (error) {
return compiler_error(formatted_code, error as Error);
function highlight_syntax(code: string, result: TokenizeResult, level: HighlightLevel): [string, string, string | null] {
let tokens_final: Array<Token>;
if (result.SemanticError) {
const [tokens, semanticError] = result.SemanticError;
if (level === HighlightLevel.Semantic) {
return semantic_error_highlighter(code, tokens, semanticError.Semantic!);
} else {
tokens_final = tokens;
} else if (result.SyntaxError) {
const [tokens, syntaxError] = result.SyntaxError;
if (level === HighlightLevel.Semantic || level === HighlightLevel.Syntactic) {
return syntax_error_highlighter(code, tokens, syntaxError.Syntax!);
} else {
tokens_final = tokens;
} else if (result.LexError) {
// There is no error level that bypasses a lex error
return lex_error_highlighter(code, result.LexError!.Lex!);
} else if (result.Ok) {
tokens_final = result.Ok;
} else {
throw new Error("Web page error: The compiler returned a case that wasn't handled.");
// At this point all error cases have been handled
// and tokens_final contains valid tokens.
const output = highlight_tokens(code, tokens_final);
return [output, "", null];
* Highlights code that has a lexic error
function lex_error_highlighter(code: string, error: LexError): [string, string, string] {
// Create a single error token
const err_pos = error.position;
const before_err = code.substring(0, err_pos);
const err_str = code[err_pos];
const after_err = code.substring(err_pos + 1);
const token = `<span class="token ${error_classes}">${err_str}</span>`;
const all = `${before_err}${token}${after_err}`;
const [error_line, error_column] = absolute_to_line_column(code, error.position);
// TODO: Transform absolute posijion (error.position) into line:column
return [all, "Lexical", error.reason + ` at line ${error_line}:${error_column} `]
function syntax_error_highlighter(code: string, tokens: Array<Token>, error: SyntaxError): [string, string, string] {
const highlighted = highlight_tokens(code, tokens, error.error_start, error.error_end);
const [error_line, error_column] = absolute_to_line_column(code, error.error_start);
const error_message = `${error.reason} at line ${error_line}:${error_column}`;
return [highlighted, "Syntax", error_message];
function semantic_error_highlighter(code: string, tokens: Array<Token>, error: SyntaxError): [string, string, string] {
const highlighted = highlight_tokens(code, tokens, error.error_start, error.error_end);
const [error_line, error_column] = absolute_to_line_column(code, error.error_start);
const error_message = `${error.reason} at line ${error_line}:${error_column}`;
return [highlighted, "Semantic", error_message];
function compiler_error(code: string, error: Error): [string, string, string] {
return [code, "Fatal Compiler", error.message];
* Transforms a list of tokens into colored HTML, and underlines errors
* if present
* @param input The original source code
* @param tokens The list of tokens
* @param error_start Absolute position from where the error starts.
* @param error_end Absolute position to where the error ends.
* @returns
function highlight_tokens(input: string, tokens: Array<Token>, error_start = -1, error_end = -1): string {
const input_chars = input.split("");
let output = "";
let current_pos = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i += 1) {
const t = tokens[i]!;
const token_start = t.position;
const token_end = t.position + t.value.length;
let is_errored = (token_start >= error_start && token_end <= error_end);
// Some tokens require processing (like multiline comments)
// There are some tokens that are empty, ignore them
if (t.value == "") {
// Append all characters before the token
output += input_chars.slice(current_pos, token_start).join("");
// Append the token
const [token_value, new_token_end] = process_token_value_and_end(t.value, t.token_type, token_end);
const token_type = translate_token_type(t.token_type, token_value);
output += `<span class="token ${token_type} ${is_errored ? error_classes : ""}">${token_value}</span>`;
current_pos = new_token_end;
return output;
* Transform an absolute position in source code to a line:column combination.
* Both line and column are 1-based
* @param input the source code
* @param absolute the absolute position
function absolute_to_line_column(input: string, absolute: number): [number, number] {
let line_count = 1;
let last_newline_pos = 0;
// Count lines
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1) {
if (i === absolute) {
if (input[i] === "\n") {
line_count += 1;
last_newline_pos = i;
return [line_count, absolute - last_newline_pos];
* Certain tokens store values that differ from the source code representation.
* For example, the multiline comment token stores the content of the comment
* without `/*` and `* /`, this function handles those cases.
* @param value The value of the token
* @param token_type The type of the token, used to know if it needs preprocessing
* @param first_end The position where the token ends according to the token value
* @returns
function process_token_value_and_end(value: string, token_type: TokenType, first_end: number): [string, number] {
let token_value = value;
let new_end = first_end;
if (token_type === "MultilineComment") {
token_value = `/*${token_value}*/`;
new_end += 4;
} else if (token_type === "String") {
token_value = `"${token_value}"`;
new_end += 2;
// Escape html and return
return [
token_value.replaceAll(/</g, "&lt;").replaceAll(/>/g, "&gt;"),
function translate_token_type(tt: TokenType, value: string): string {
const keywords = ["throws", "extends", "constructor", "case", "static", "const",
"enum", "union", "loop", "use", "break", "catch", "continue", "as", "do",
"else", "finally", "for", "fun", "if", "in", "fn", "nil", "return", "throw",
"try", "while", "type", "match", "with", "of", "abstract", "class", "interface",
"private", "protected", "pub", "override", "open", "init", "val", "var", "mut", "clone"];
switch (tt) {
case "Datatype":
return "class-name";
case "Identifier": {
if (keywords.includes(value)) {
return "keyword";
return "identifier";
case "Int":
return "number";
case "Float":
return "number";
case "String":
return "string";
case "Comment":
case "MultilineComment":
return "comment";
// keywords:
case "VAL":
case "VAR":
case "FUN":
return "keyword";
return tt;
const native_lex = (code: string) => new Promise<TokenizeResult>((resolve, reject) => {
// Get binary path from .env
const binary = import.meta.env.THP_BINARY;
if (!binary) {
throw new Error("THP_BINARY not set in .env");
const subprocess = spawn(binary, ["tokenize"]);
let response = "";
let error = "";
subprocess.stdout.on("data", (data) => {
response += data.toString();
subprocess.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
error += data.toString();
subprocess.on("close", (code) => {
if (code === 0) {
} else {
reject(new Error(error));