A modern, type safe,
secure language
compiled to PHP

Inspired by Rust, Zig and Swift, THP has a modern syntax, semantics, type system and stdlib.

                    // Actual generics & sum types
                    fun find_person(Int person_id) -> Result[String, String] {
                        // Easy, explicit error bubbling
                        try Person::find_by_id(person_id)

                    val id = POST::get("person_id") ?? exit("Null person_id")
                    // Errors as values
                    val person = try find_person(person_id: id) with error {
                        eprint("Error: {error}")
                        exit("Person not found")

                    // First class HTML-like templates & components
                        <a href="/person/reports/{person.id}">
                            welcome, {person.name}
                    // And more!