Add syntax highlighting to spec pages

Araozu 2024-07-25 08:49:24 -05:00
parent 771a4b7044
commit 76aad9cd8a
7 changed files with 47 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import PagesLayout from "./PagesLayout.astro";
const { frontmatter, headings } = Astro.props;
const posts = await Astro.glob("../pages/spec/**/*.{md,mdx}");
const indexSubpath = `/spec/`;
const indexSubpath = `/spec/index.mdx`;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ pagesLayout:
- path: ast
- path: expression
import Code from "../../components/Code.astro"
# The THP Language Specification
@ -100,11 +101,11 @@ greater than before, it emits a Indent token. If it's lower, emits a Dedent toke
if it's the same it does nothing.
<Code thpcode={`
1 + 2
+ 3
+ 4
`} />
The previous code would emit the following tokens: `1` `+` `2` `NewLine` `Indent` `+` `3` `NewLine`
`+` `4` `Dedent`
@ -114,12 +115,12 @@ Additionaly, it is a lexical error to have wrong indentation. The lexer stores a
previous indentation levels in a stack, and reports an error if a decrease in indentation
doesn't match a previous level.
<Code thpcode={`
if true { // 0 indentation
print() // 4 indentation
print() // 2 indentation. Error. There is no 2-indentation level
// print() // 4 indentation
// print() // 2 indentation. Error. There is no 2-indentation level
`} />
All productions of the grammar ignore whitespace/indentation, except those involved in
semicolon inference.
@ -134,26 +135,26 @@ Statements in THP end when a new line is encountered:
<Code thpcode={`
// The statement ends | here, on the newline
val value = (123 + 456) * 0.75
`} />
<Code thpcode={`
// Each line contains a different statement. They all end on their new lines
var a = 1 + 2 // a = 3
+ 3 // this is not part of `a`, this is a different statement
+ 3 // this is not part of \`a\`, this is a different statement
`} />
This is true even if the line ends with an operator:
<Code thpcode={`
// These are still different statements
var a = 1 + 2 + // This is now a compile error, there is a hanging `+`
3 // This is still a different statement
`} />
### Parenthesis
@ -161,16 +162,16 @@ var a = 1 + 2 + // This is now a compile error, there is a hanging `+`
Exception 1: When a parenthesis is open, all following whitespace is ignored
until the closing parenthesis.
<Code thpcode={`
// open parenthesis found, all whitespace is ignored until the closing
`} />
However, for a parenthesis to begin to act, it needs to be open on the same line.
<Code thpcode={`
// Still 2 statements, because the parenthesis is in a new line
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ print
`} />
### Indented binary operator
@ -189,22 +190,22 @@ Exception 2:
- When a binary operator is followed by indentation:
<Code thpcode={`
val sum = 1 + 2 + // The line ends with a binary operator
3 // There is indentation
`} />
- Or when indentation is followed by a binary operator:
<Code thpcode={`
val sum = 1 + 2
+ 3 // Indentation and a binary operator
`} />
In theses cases, all whitespace will be ignored
until the indentation returns to the initial level.
<Code thpcode={`
// This method chain is a single statement because of the indentation
val person = PersonBuilder()
@ -215,6 +216,6 @@ val person = PersonBuilder()
// Here indentation returns, and a new statement begins
`} />

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: ../../../layouts/SpecLayout.astro
title: Comment
import Code from "../../../components/Code.astro"
# Comment
@ -9,8 +10,8 @@ title: Comment
Comment = "//", any_except_new_line
<Code thpcode={`
// This is a comment
// Another // comment
`} />

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: ../../../layouts/SpecLayout.astro
title: Identifiers & Datatypes
import Code from "../../../components/Code.astro"
# Identifiers & Datatypes
@ -18,13 +19,13 @@ Identifier = (underscore | lowercase_letter), identifier_letter*
identifier_letter = underscore | lowercase_letter | uppercase_letter | decimal_digit
<Code thpcode={`
`} />
## Datatype
@ -33,20 +34,20 @@ camelCase
Datatype = uppercase_letter, indentifier_letter*
<Code thpcode={`
`} />
## Keywords
The following are (currently) THP keywords:
<Code thpcode={`
val var fun
`} />
Keywords are scanned first as identifiers, then transformed
to their respective tokens.

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: ../../../layouts/SpecLayout.astro
title: Numbers
import Code from "../../../components/Code.astro"
# Numbers
@ -15,12 +16,12 @@ hexadecimal_number = "0", ("x" | "X"), hexadecimal_digit+
decimal_number = decimal_digit+
<Code thpcode={`
01234 // This is a decimal number, not an octal number
`} />
`TODO`: Implement octal `0o777` and binary `0b0110`.
@ -36,14 +37,14 @@ Float = decimal_number, ".", decimal_number+, scientific_notation?
scientific_notation = "e", ("+" | "-"), decimal_number
<Code thpcode={`
`} />
All floating point numbers must start with at least 1 digit.

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: ../../../layouts/SpecLayout.astro
title: Operator
import Code from "../../../components/Code.astro"
# Operator
@ -14,9 +15,9 @@ operator_char = "+" | "-" | "=" | "*" | "!" | "/" | "|"
| "<" | ">" | "^" | "." | ":"
<Code thpcode={`
+ - / * % < > <= >= -> =>
`} />
These are all the characters that can make an operator.

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
layout: ../../../layouts/SpecLayout.astro
title: String
import Code from "../../../components/Code.astro"
# String
@ -19,11 +20,11 @@ escape_seq = "\n"
string_char = any_unicode_except_newline_and_double_quote
<Code thpcode={`
"it's me"
`} />
`TODO`: String interpolation