Add keywords & detail classes

Araozu 2024-05-01 19:40:16 -05:00
parent f70ae95272
commit 318b105678
3 changed files with 187 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ export function scan_identifier(input: string, starting_position: number, is_dat
function check_keyword(value: string): string {
const keywords = ["case", "static", "const", "enum", "loop", "use", "break", "catch", "continue", "do", "else", "finally", "for", "fun", "if", "in", "fn", "nil", "return", "throw", "try", "while", "type", "match", "with", "of", "abstract", "class", "interface", "private", "pub", "override", "open", "init", "val", "var", "mut", "clone"];
const keywords = ["throws", "extends", "constructor", "case", "static", "const", "enum", "loop", "use", "break", "catch", "continue", "do", "else", "finally", "for", "fun", "if", "in", "fn", "nil", "return", "throw", "try", "while", "type", "match", "with", "of", "abstract", "class", "interface", "private", "pub", "override", "open", "init", "val", "var", "mut", "clone"];
if (keywords.includes(value)) {
return "keyword";

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@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ function scan_decimal(input: string, starting_position: number): [string, number
if (c === ".") {
// todo
throw new Error("Not implemented");
return [current_value, pos];
else if (c == "e" || c == "E") {
// todo
throw new Error("Not implemented");
return [current_value, pos];
else if (is_digit(c)) {
current_value += c;

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@ -5,111 +5,229 @@ title: Classes
# Classes
Basically kotlin syntax.
Syntax and semantics heavily inspired by Kotlin.
## Create a new instance of a class
`new` not required, in fact, forbidden.
To create an instance of a class call it as if it were a function,
without `new`.
val dog = Dog()
val animal = Animal()
## Simple class
Why'd you do this tho?
Classes are declared with the `class` keyword.
class SimpleClass
class Animal
val instance = SimpleClass()
val instance = Animal()
## Properties & methods
## Properties
Properties are declared with `var`/`val`.
They **must** declare their datatype.
class SimpleClass
class Person
// This is an error. Properties must declare their datatype,
// even if the compiler can infer it.
val name = "Jane Doe"
// This is correct
val String name = "Jane Doe"
Properties are private by default,
but can be made public with `pub`.
class Person
// Properties are private by default
var String? name = ...
val String name = "John Doe"
// Made public with `pub`
pub var String? surname = ...
// To make a property public use `pub`
pub var Int age = 30
// Methods are private by default
fun display_name()
More information about how properties interact with the constructor
is found in the contructor section.
## Methods
Methods are declared with `fun`, as regular functions.
class Person
// `$` is used instead of $this. Mandatory
fun greet()
Methods are private by default, and are made public with `pub`.
class Person
// This method is private
fun private_greet()
print("Hello from private method")
pub fun get_name() -> String?
// Use `pub` to make a method public
pub fun greet()
print("Hello from greet")
val p = Person()
p.greet() //: Hello from greet
p.private_greet() // Compile time error. Private method.
## This
THP uses the dollar sign `$` as this. It is **required** when
using a class property/method.
class Person
val String name = "Jane Doe"
pub fun get_name() -> String
return $name
pub fun greet()
val person_name = $get_name()
print("Hello, I'm {person_name}")
## Static members
Static members are detailed in their own page.
## Constructor
Kotlin style
(for now) THP's constructors are inspired by Kotlin.
PHP only allows a single constructor, and so does THP.
The basic constructor has the syntax of function parameters.
class Cat(
var String name,
var Int lives = 9,
val String surname = "Doe",
// |this is the constructor |
class Animal(String fullname, Int age)
val a1 = Animal("Nal", 4)
The class properties can be declared in the constructor,
using the keywords `pub`, `var`, `val`:
class Animal(
// Since we are using val/var, these are promoted to class properties
val String fullname,
var Int age,
pub fun get_name() -> String
pub fun say()
pub fun die()
$lives -= 1
if $lives <= 0
print("Cat {$name} is death")
print("Cat {$name} is life still")
// Here we are using the properties declared in the constructor
print("My name is {$fullname} and i'm {$age} years old")
val michifu = Cat("Michifu")
val a1 = Animal("Nal", 4)
a1.say() //: My name is Nal and i'm 4 years old
With kotlin's `init` block.
By using this syntax you are declaring properties and assigning them
at the same time.
The contructor parameters can also have default values.
### Constructor visibility
The constructor is public by default. It can be made private/protected
like this:
class Dog(val String name)
Int name_length = name.length()
class Animal
private constructor(
val String fullname,
var Int age,
### Derived properties
You can declare properties whose values depend on values
on the constructor.
class Animal(
val String fullname,
// A property whose value depends on `fullname`
// This is executed after the contructor
pub val Int name_length = $fullname.length
val a2 = Animal("Doa")
print(a2.name_length) //: 3
### Init block
If you need to additional logic in the constructor you can
use a `init` block.
class Animal(
val String fullname,
print("Dog has been instantiated")
print("{$fullname} in contruction...")
val a3 = Animal("Lola") //: Lola in construction
## Inheritance
Kotlin style
// Base class
class Animal(var String name)
pub fun say_name()
@ -118,7 +236,9 @@ class Animal(var String name)
class Cat(String name, Int lives) -> Animal(name)
// Child class
class Cat(String name, Int lives)
extends Animal(name)
Cat("Michi", 9).say_name()
@ -153,5 +273,21 @@ var michi = Animal("Michifu")
## Class constructor that may return an error
Working theory:
class Fish(
val String name,
var Int lives = 9,
extends Animal(name)
throws Error
val fish_result = Fish("bubble") // fish_result will be a `Result[Fish,Error]`
val fish = try fish_result