--- layout: ../../layouts/PagesLayout.astro title: Welcome pagesLayout: - path: index - path: install - path: basics title: Basics children: - path: hello-world - path: variables - path: datatypes - path: comments - path: operators - path: flow-control title: Flow control children: - path: conditionals - path: loops - path: match - path: blocks - path: data-structures title: Data structures children: - path: tuples - path: arrays - path: maps - path: enums - path: functions title: Functions children: - path: declaration - path: parameters - path: higher-order - path: lambdas - path: error-handling title: Error handling children: - path: "null" - path: try - path: classes title: Classes children: - path: definition - path: static - path: interfaces - path: anonymous - path: magic --- import InteractiveCode from "../../components/InteractiveCode.astro"; # Welcome Welcome to the documentation of the THP programming languague. THP is a new programming language that compiles to PHP. ![Accurate visual description of THP](/img/desc_thp.jpg) This page discusses some of the design decitions of the language, if you want to install THP go to the [installation guide](install) ## Interactive execution The documentation contains snippets of interactive THP code, like this: Use the `Step` and `Reset` buttons to emulate the execution of a THP program! ## Goals - Bring static typing to PHP: Not just type hints, not just `mixed` for everything that isn't a primitive type. - Generics & ADTs - Avoid implicit type conversion. - Remove the inconsistencies in the language. - Organize the stdlib into modules. - Differentiate between Arrays, Tuples, Maps and Sets. - Create a **consistent** language. - Have typings for popular libraries (like TS's `.d.ts`). - Have a simple instalation and configuration (requiring just Composer). - Ship a fast, native binary (written in Rust) (why use PHP when we can go **_blazingly fast_**?). - Support in-place compilation. - (Try to) emit readable PHP. - Implement an LSP server. - Implement a formatter. ## Not goals These are **not** aspects that THP looks to solve or implement. - Be what TypeScript is for JavaScript (PHP with types). - Use PHP syntax/conventions. - Be familiar for PHP developers. ## Philosophy - Consistency over familiarity - Change over conventions - Explicit over implicit ## Some differences with PHP ```thp // PHP $has_key = str_contains($haystack, 'needle'); // THP val has_key = haystack.contains("needle") ``` - Explicit variable declaration - No `$` for variable names (and thus no `$$variable`) - No semicolons - Use methods on common datatypes - Strings use only double quotes --- ```thp // PHP [ 'names' => ['Toni', 'Stark'], 'age' => 33, 'numbers' => [32, 64, 128] ] // THP .{ names: #("Toni", "Stark"), // Tuple age: 33, numbers: [32, 64, 128] } ``` - Tuples, Arrays, Sets, Maps are clearly different - JSON-like object syntax --- ```thp // PHP $cat = new Cat("Michifu", 7); $cat->meow(); // THP val cat = Cat("Michifu", 7) cat.meow(); ``` - No `new` for classes - Use dot `.` instead of arrow `->` syntax --- ```thp // PHP use \Some\Deeply\Nested\Class use \Some\Deeply\Nested\Interface // THP use Some::Deeply::Nested::{Class, Interface} ``` - Different module syntax - Explicit module declaration - PSR-4 required - No `include`, `include_once`, `require` or `require_once` --- Other things: - Pattern matching - ADTs ## Runtime changes Where possible THP will compile to available PHP functions/classes/methods/etc. For example: ```thp // This expression val greeting = match get_person() | Some(person) if person.age > 18 { "Welcome, {person.name}" } | Some(person) { "I'm sorry {person.name}, you need to be 18 or older" } | None { "Nobody is here" } // Would compile to: $greeting = null; $_person = get_person(); if ($_person !== null) { if ($_person["age"] > 18) { $greeting = "Welcome, " . $_person["name"]; } else { $greeting = "I'm sorry " . $_person["name"] . ", you need to be 18 or older"; } } else { $greeting = "Nobody is here"; } ``` However, more advanced datatypes & helper functions will require a sort of runtime (new classes/functions/etc) or abuse the language's syntax/semantics. ```thp // TBD: Enum compilation enum IpAddress { V4(String), V6(String), } val ip_1 = IpAddress::V4("") // Would possibly compile to: enum IpAddress { V4, V6, } $ip_1 = [IpAddress::V4, ""] ``` Such changes will be documented