
603 lines
15 KiB

/* global window, module */
;(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
global.Router = factory()
}(this, (function () {
* Router
* @version: 1.2.7
* @author Graidenix
* @constructor
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Router}
function Router(options) {
var settings = this._getSettings(options);
this.notFoundHandler = settings.page404;
this.mode = (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) ? "hash" : settings.mode;
this.root = settings.root === "/" ? "/" : "/" + this._trimSlashes(settings.root) + "/";
this.beforeHook = settings.hooks.before;
this.securityHook = settings.hooks.secure;
this.routes = [];
if (settings.routes && settings.routes.length > 0) {
var _this = this;
settings.routes.forEach(function (route) {
_this.add(route.rule, route.handler, route.options);
this._pageState = null;
this._currentPage = null;
this._skipCheck = false;
this._action = null;
if (this.mode === "hash") {
this._historyStack = [];
this._historyIdx = 0;
this._historyState = "add"
return this;
* Define Router Page
* @param {string} uri
* @param {object} query
* @param {Array} params
* @param {object} state
* @param {object} options
* @constructor
Router.Page = function (uri, query, params, state, options) {
this.uri = uri || "";
this.query = query || {};
this.params = params || [];
this.state = state || null;
this.options = options || {};
* Sanitize options and add default values
* @param {object} options
* @returns {object}
* @private
Router.prototype._getSettings = function (options) {
var settings = {};
var defaults = {
routes: [],
mode: "history",
root: "/",
hooks: {
"before": function () {
"secure": function () {
return true;
page404: function (page) {
page: page,
message: "404. Page not found"
options = options || {};
["routes", "mode", "root", "page404"].forEach(function (key) {
settings[key] = options[key] || defaults[key];
settings.hooks = Object.assign({}, defaults.hooks, options.hooks || {});
return settings;
* Get URI for Router "history" mode
* @private
* @returns {string}
Router.prototype._getHistoryFragment = function () {
var fragment = decodeURI(window.location.pathname);
if (this.root !== "/") {
fragment = fragment.replace(this.root, "");
return this._trimSlashes(fragment);
* Get URI for router "hash" mode
* @private
* @returns {string}
Router.prototype._getHashFragment = function () {
var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1).replace(/(\?.*)$/, "");
return this._trimSlashes(hash);
* Get current URI
* @private
* @returns {string}
Router.prototype._getFragment = function () {
if (this.mode === "history") {
return this._getHistoryFragment();
} else {
return this._getHashFragment();
* Trim slashes for path
* @private
* @param {string} path
* @returns {string}
Router.prototype._trimSlashes = function (path) {
if (typeof path !== "string") {
return "";
return path.toString().replace(/\/$/, "").replace(/^\//, "");
* 404 Page Handler
* @private
Router.prototype._page404 = function (path) {
this._currentPage = new Router.Page(path);
* Convert the string route rule to RegExp rule
* @param {string} route
* @returns {RegExp}
* @private
Router.prototype._parseRouteRule = function (route) {
if (typeof route !== "string") {
return route;
var uri = this._trimSlashes(route);
var rule = uri
.replace(/([\\\/\-\_\.])/g, "\\$1")
.replace(/\{[a-zA-Z]+\}/g, "(:any)")
.replace(/\:any/g, "[\\w\\-\\_\\.]+")
.replace(/\:word/g, "[a-zA-Z]+")
.replace(/\:num/g, "\\d+");
return new RegExp("^" + rule + "$", "i");
* Parse query string and return object for it
* @param {string} query
* @returns {object}
* @private
Router.prototype._parseQuery = function (query) {
var _query = {};
if (typeof query !== "string") {
return _query;
if (query[0] === "?") {
query = query.substr(1);
this._queryString = query;
query.split("&").forEach(function (row) {
var parts = row.split("=");
if (parts[0] !== "") {
if (parts[1] === undefined) {
parts[1] = true;
_query[decodeURIComponent(parts[0])] = parts[1];
return _query;
* Get query for `history` mode
* @returns {Object}
* @private
Router.prototype._getHistoryQuery = function () {
return this._parseQuery(window.location.search);
* Get query for `hash` mode
* @returns {Object}
* @private
Router.prototype._getHashQuery = function () {
var index = window.location.hash.indexOf("?");
var query = (index !== -1) ? window.location.hash.substr(index) : "";
return this._parseQuery(query);
* Get query as object
* @private
* @returns {Object}
Router.prototype._getQuery = function () {
if (this.mode === "history") {
return this._getHistoryQuery();
} else {
return this._getHashQuery();
* Add route to routes list
* @param {string|RegExp} rule
* @param {function} handler
* @param {{}} options
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.add = function (rule, handler, options) {
rule: this._parseRouteRule(rule),
handler: handler,
options: options
return this;
* Remove a route from routes list
* @param param
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.remove = function (param) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof param === "string") {
param = this._parseRouteRule(param).toString();
this.routes.some(function (route, i) {
if (route.handler === param || route.rule.toString() === param) {
_this.routes.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
return this;
* Reset the state of Router
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.reset = function () {
this.routes = [];
this.mode = null;
this.root = "/";
this._pageState = {};
return this;
* Add current page in history stack
* @private
Router.prototype._pushHistory = function () {
var _this = this,
fragment = this._getFragment();
if (this.mode === "hash") {
if (this._historyState === "add") {
if (this._historyIdx !== this._historyStack.length - 1) {
this._historyStack.splice(this._historyIdx + 1);
path: fragment,
state: _this._pageState
this._historyIdx = this._historyStack.length - 1;
this._historyState = "add";
* @param asyncRequest boolean
* @returns {PromiseResult<boolean> | boolean}
* @private
Router.prototype._unloadCallback = function (asyncRequest) {
var result;
if (this._skipCheck) {
return asyncRequest ? Promise.resolve(true) : true;
if (this._currentPage && this._currentPage.options && this._currentPage.options.unloadCb) {
result = this._currentPage.options.unloadCb(this._currentPage, asyncRequest);
if (!asyncRequest || result instanceof Promise) {
return result;
return result ? Promise.resolve(result) : Promise.reject(result);
} else {
return asyncRequest ? Promise.resolve(true) : true;
* Check if router has the action for current path
* @returns {boolean}
* @private
Router.prototype._findRoute = function () {
var _this = this,
fragment = this._getFragment();
return this.routes.some(function (route) {
var match = fragment.match(route.rule);
if (match) {
var query = _this._getQuery();
var page = new Router.Page(fragment, query, match, _this._pageState, route.options);
if (!_this.securityHook(page)) {
return false;
_this._currentPage = page;
if (_this._skipCheck) {
_this._skipCheck = false;
return true;
route.handler.apply(page, match);
_this._pageState = null;
window.onbeforeunload = function (ev) {
if (_this._unloadCallback(false)) {
ev.returnValue = true;
return true;
return true;
return false;
Router.prototype._treatAsync = function () {
var result;
result = this._currentPage.options.unloadCb(this._currentPage, true);
if (!(result instanceof Promise)) {
result = result ? Promise.resolve(result) : Promise.reject(result);
* @private
Router.prototype._resetState = function () {
this._skipCheck = true;
this.navigateTo(this._current, this._currentPage.state, true);
* Replace current page with new one
Router.prototype._processUri = function () {
var fragment = this._getFragment(),
this._current = fragment;
found = this._findRoute.call(this);
if (!found) {
* Check the URL and execute handler for its route
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.check = function () {
if (this._skipCheck) return this;
// if page has unload cb treat as promise
if (this._currentPage && this._currentPage.options && this._currentPage.options.unloadCb) {
} else {
return this;
* Add the URI listener
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.addUriListener = function () {
if (this.mode === "history") {
window.onpopstate = this.check.bind(this);
} else {
window.onhashchange = this.check.bind(this);
return this;
* Remove the URI listener
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.removeUriListener = function () {
window.onpopstate = null;
window.onhashchange = null;
return this;
* Redirect to a page with replace state
* @param {string} path
* @param {object} state
* @param {boolean} silent
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.redirectTo = function (path, state, silent) {
path = this._trimSlashes(path) || "";
this._pageState = state || null;
this._skipCheck = !!silent;
if (this.mode === "history") {
history.replaceState(state, null, this.root + this._trimSlashes(path));
return this.check();
} else {
window.location.hash = path;
return this;
* Navigate to a page
* @param {string} path
* @param {object} state
* @param {boolean} silent
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.navigateTo = function (path, state, silent) {
path = this._trimSlashes(path) || "";
this._pageState = state || null;
this._skipCheck = !!silent;
if (this.mode === "history") {
history.pushState(state, null, this.root + this._trimSlashes(path));
return this.check();
} else {
window.location.hash = path;
return this;
* Refresh page with recall route handler
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.refresh = function () {
if (!this._currentPage) {
return this;
var path = this._currentPage.uri + "?" + this._queryString;
return this.navigateTo(path, this._currentPage.state);
* Go Back in browser history
* Simulate "Back" button
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.back = function () {
if (this.mode === "history") {
return this;
return this.go(this._historyIdx - 1);
* Go Forward in browser history
* Simulate "Forward" button
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.forward = function () {
if (this.mode === "history") {
return this;
return this.go(this._historyIdx + 1);
* Go to a specific history page
* @param {number} count
* @returns {Router}
Router.prototype.go = function (count) {
if (this.mode === "history") {
return this;
var page = this._historyStack[count];
if (!page) {
return this;
this._historyIdx = count;
this._historyState = "hold";
return this.navigateTo(page.path, page.state);
return Router;