use rocket::form::validate::Contains; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::db; use super::{course::Course, custom_label::CustomLabel}; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug)] #[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")] /// Represents a single register send by the frontend /// to create a new register in the database pub struct RegisterCreate { person_id: i32, course_id: i32, /// YYYY-MM-DD date: String, /// Foreign key to the custom_label table custom_label: String, is_preview: bool, } impl RegisterCreate { pub async fn create(&self) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { let db = db(); // Get custom_label_id from db based of self.custom_label let custom_label_id = { if self.custom_label.is_empty() { 1 } else { // Get custom_label_id from db based of self.custom_label let id = CustomLabel::get_id_by_value(&self.custom_label).await?; if id > 0 { id } else { CustomLabel::create(&self.custom_label).await? } } }; let next_register_code = Self::get_next_register_code(self.course_id).await?; // Current date in YYYY-MM-DD format let current_date = chrono::Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string(); let _ = sqlx::query!( "INSERT INTO register ( register_code, register_creation_date, register_display_date, register_custom_label, register_is_preview, register_person_id, register_course_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", next_register_code, current_date,, custom_label_id, self.is_preview, self.person_id, self.course_id ) .execute(db) .await?; Ok(()) } async fn get_next_register_code(course_id: i32) -> Result { let db = db(); let course_name = Course::get_course_name(course_id).await; // All matpel certs share codes let new_max = if course_name.contains("Matpel") { let res = sqlx::query!( "SELECT MAX(register_code) AS max FROM register WHERE register_course_id IN (SELECT course_id FROM course WHERE course_name LIKE 'Matpel%')", ) .fetch_one(db) .await?; // If there are no registers, the new code will start from 50, as per the requirements res.max.unwrap_or(50) + 1 } else { let res = sqlx::query!( "SELECT MAX(register_code) AS max FROM register WHERE register_course_id=?", course_id ) .fetch_one(db) .await?; // If there are no registers, the new code will start from 50, as per the requirements res.max.unwrap_or(50) + 1 }; Ok(new_max) } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] pub struct Register { pub register_id: i32, /// Display code, shown on the certificate. /// Currently a 4-digit number. After 9999, it will be a 4-digit hex number. /// /// Example: `0322`` pub register_code: i32, /// Date of creation of the register, in YYYY-MM-DD format pub register_creation_date: String, /// Date shown on the certificate, in YYYY-MM-DD format pub register_display_date: String, /// Some course's names can be extended with a label. /// Points to a custom_label entity pub register_custom_label: i32, /// Whether this register is a preview of the certificate ("sin firmas") pub register_is_preview: bool, /// Foreign key to the person table pub register_person_id: i32, /// Foreign key to the course table pub register_course_id: i32, } impl Register { pub async fn get_by_dni(dni: String) -> Result, sqlx::Error> { let db = db(); let res = sqlx::query!( "SELECT * FROM register WHERE register_person_id = (SELECT person_id FROM person WHERE person_dni = ?)", dni ) .fetch_all(db) .await? .into_iter() .map(|r| Register { register_id: r.register_id, register_code: r.register_code, register_creation_date: r.register_creation_date.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string(), register_display_date: r.register_display_date.format("%Y-%m-%d").to_string(), register_custom_label: r.register_custom_label, register_is_preview: r.register_is_preview == 1, register_person_id: r.register_person_id, register_course_id: r.register_course_id, }) .collect(); Ok(res) } pub async fn delete(register_id: i32) -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> { let db = db(); let _ = sqlx::query!("DELETE FROM register WHERE register_id = ?", register_id) .execute(db) .await?; Ok(()) } }