import $ from 'jquery' import { socket } from './socket.js' import { toast } from './toasts.js' import { showErrors } from './tabs.js' /* ===== Locals ===== */ const tabMinWidth = 250 const tabMaxWidth = 500 let cachedTabWidth = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('downloadTabWidth')) || 300 let queueList = {} let queue = [] let queueComplete = [] let tabContainerEl let listEl let dragHandlerEl function init() { // Find download DOM elements tabContainerEl = document.getElementById('download_tab_container') listEl = document.getElementById('download_list') dragHandlerEl = document.getElementById('download_tab_drag_handler') // Check if download tab has slim entries if ('true' === localStorage.getItem('slimDownloads')) { listEl.classList.add('slim') } // Check if download tab should be open if ('true' === localStorage.getItem('downloadTabOpen')) { tabContainerEl.classList.remove('tab_hidden') setTabWidth(cachedTabWidth) } linkListeners() } function linkListeners() { listEl.addEventListener('click', handleListClick) document.getElementById('toggle_download_tab').addEventListener('click', toggleDownloadTab) // Queue buttons document.getElementById('clean_queue').addEventListener('click', () => { socket.emit('removeFinishedDownloads') }) document.getElementById('cancel_queue').addEventListener('click', () => { socket.emit('cancelAllDownloads') }) document.getElementById('open_downloads_folder').addEventListener('click', () => { if (window.clientMode) socket.emit('openDownloadsFolder') }) // Downloads tab drag handling dragHandlerEl.addEventListener('mousedown', event => { event.preventDefault() document.addEventListener('mousemove', handleDrag) }) document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleDrag) }) tabContainerEl.addEventListener('transitionend', () => { = '' }) window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { localStorage.setItem('downloadTabWidth', cachedTabWidth) }) } function setTabWidth(newWidth) { if (undefined === newWidth) { = '' = '' } else { = newWidth + 'px' = newWidth + 'px' } } function handleDrag(event) { let newWidth = window.innerWidth - event.pageX + 2 if (newWidth < tabMinWidth) { newWidth = tabMinWidth } else if (newWidth > tabMaxWidth) { newWidth = tabMaxWidth } cachedTabWidth = newWidth setTabWidth(newWidth) } function sendAddToQueue(url, bitrate = null) { if (url.indexOf(';') !== -1) { let urls = url.split(';') urls.forEach(url => { socket.emit('addToQueue', { url: url, bitrate: bitrate }) }) } else if (url != '') { socket.emit('addToQueue', { url: url, bitrate: bitrate }) } } function addToQueue(queueItem, current = false) { queueList[queueItem.uuid] = queueItem if (queueItem.downloaded + queueItem.failed == queueItem.size) { if (queueComplete.indexOf(queueItem.uuid) == -1) queueComplete.push(queueItem.uuid) } else { if (queue.indexOf(queueItem.uuid) == -1) queue.push(queueItem.uuid) } let queueDOM = document.getElementById('download_' + queueItem.uuid) if (typeof queueDOM == 'undefined' || queueDOM == null) { $(listEl).append( `
Cover ${queueItem.title}
${queueItem.title} - ${queueItem.artist}
${queueItem.downloaded + queueItem.failed}/${ queueItem.size }
` ) } if (queueItem.progress > 0 || current) { $('#bar_' + queueItem.uuid) .removeClass('indeterminate') .addClass('determinate') } $('#bar_' + queueItem.uuid).css('width', queueItem.progress + '%') if (queueItem.failed >= 1 && $('#download_' + queueItem.uuid + ' .queue_failed').length == 0) { $('#download_' + queueItem.uuid + ' .download_info_status').append( `(${queueItem.failed}error_outline)` ) } if (queueItem.downloaded + queueItem.failed == queueItem.size) { let result_icon = $('#download_' + queueItem.uuid).find('.queue_icon') if (queueItem.failed == 0) { result_icon.text('done') } else { let failed_button = $('#download_' + queueItem.uuid).find('.queue_failed_button') result_icon.addClass('clickable') failed_button.addClass('clickable') result_icon.bind('click', {item:queueItem}, showErrors) failed_button.bind('click', {item:queueItem}, showErrors) if (queueItem.failed >= queueItem.size) { result_icon.text('error') } else { result_icon.text('warning') } } } if (!queueItem.init) toast(`${queueItem.title} added to queue`, 'playlist_add_check') } function initQueue(data) { const { queue, queueComplete, currentItem, queueList } = data if (queueComplete.length) { queueComplete.forEach(item => { queueList[item].init = true addToQueue(queueList[item]) }) } if (currentItem) { queueList[currentItem].init = true addToQueue(queueList[currentItem], true) } queue.forEach(item => { queueList[item].init = true addToQueue(queueList[item]) }) } function startDownload(uuid) { $('#bar_' + uuid) .removeClass('indeterminate') .addClass('determinate') } socket.on('startDownload', startDownload) function handleListClick(event) { const { target } = event if (!target.matches('.queue_icon[data-uuid]')) { return } let icon = target.innerText let uuid = $(target).data('uuid') switch (icon) { case 'remove': socket.emit('removeFromQueue', uuid) break default: } } // Show/Hide Download Tab function toggleDownloadTab(clickEvent) { clickEvent.preventDefault() setTabWidth() = 'all 250ms ease-in-out' // Toggle returns a Boolean based on the action it performed let isHidden = tabContainerEl.classList.toggle('tab_hidden') if (!isHidden) { setTabWidth(cachedTabWidth) } localStorage.setItem('downloadTabOpen', !isHidden) } socket.on('init_downloadQueue', initQueue) socket.on('addedToQueue', addToQueue) function removeFromQueue(uuid) { let index = queue.indexOf(uuid) if (index > -1) { queue.splice(index, 1) $(`#download_${queueList[uuid].uuid}`).remove() delete queueList[uuid] } } socket.on('removedFromQueue', removeFromQueue) function finishDownload(uuid) { if (queue.indexOf(uuid) > -1) { toast(`${queueList[uuid].title} finished downloading.`, 'done') $('#bar_' + uuid).css('width', '100%') let result_icon = $('#download_' + uuid).find('.queue_icon') if (queueList[uuid].failed == 0) { result_icon.text('done') } else { let failed_button = $('#download_' + uuid).find('.queue_failed_button') result_icon.addClass('clickable') failed_button.addClass('clickable') result_icon.bind('click', {item:queueList[uuid]}, showErrors) failed_button.bind('click', {item:queueList[uuid]}, showErrors) if (queueList[uuid].failed >= queueList[uuid].size) { result_icon.text('error') } else { result_icon.text('warning') } } let index = queue.indexOf(uuid) if (index > -1) { queue.splice(index, 1) queueComplete.push(uuid) } if (queue.length <= 0) { toast('All downloads completed!', 'done_all') } } } socket.on('finishDownload', finishDownload) function removeAllDownloads(currentItem) { queueComplete = [] if (currentItem == '') { queue = [] queueList = {} $(listEl).html('') } else { queue = [currentItem] let tempQueueItem = queueList[currentItem] queueList = {} queueList[currentItem] = tempQueueItem $('.download_object').each(function (index) { if ($(this).attr('id') != 'download_' + currentItem) $(this).remove() }) } } socket.on('removedAllDownloads', removeAllDownloads) function removedFinishedDownloads() { queueComplete.forEach(item => { $('#download_' + item).remove() }) queueComplete = [] } socket.on('removedFinishedDownloads', removedFinishedDownloads) function updateQueue(update) { // downloaded and failed default to false? const { uuid, downloaded, failed, progress } = update if (uuid && queue.indexOf(uuid) > -1) { if (downloaded) { queueList[uuid].downloaded++ $('#download_' + uuid + ' .queue_downloaded').text(queueList[uuid].downloaded + queueList[uuid].failed) } if (failed) { queueList[uuid].failed++ $('#download_' + uuid + ' .queue_downloaded').text(queueList[uuid].downloaded + queueList[uuid].failed) if (queueList[uuid].failed == 1 && $('#download_' + uuid + ' .queue_failed').length == 0) { $('#download_' + uuid + ' .download_info_status').append( `(1 error_outline)` ) } else { $('#download_' + uuid + ' .queue_failed').text(queueList[uuid].failed) } queueList[uuid].errors.push({message: update.error, data:}) } if (progress) { queueList[uuid].progress = progress $('#bar_' + uuid).css('width', progress + '%') } } } socket.on('updateQueue', updateQueue) export default { init, sendAddToQueue, addToQueue }