

Github Gitea

Front-End, soon to be Back-End developer from Per煤 馃嚨馃嚜

What I've done over the years

At my university, the schedule is a mess. We would be given images with the schedule for all the courses, and we would have to manually search & match the courses we wanted to take.

So I made a website where you could see which courses overlap, their professors, and the classrooms they were in, in a interactive table.

I made the page completely in vanilla JS, all elements & animations were created dynamically using DOM primitives. It was deployed on a free hosting service.

Between 2017 & 2019 I became interested in fansubbing anime. I made a website where you could download subtitles for anime.

The website was first made in PHP, although most of the pages were static. At the time I didn't know about databases, so I made my own file based database, with a custom format in PHP. Unfortunately I lost the code for this version.

I later remade the website with VueJS and Express. I also learned about databases and used MySQL.

I also learned about domain names, A/AAAA/CNAME records, shared hosting & integrating with external services like analytics & disqus. The Node rewrite was hosted on a CPanel shared hosting.

A simple system for a fictional hostel, made for my university's web development course.

Here I learned more about Java, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Git, Tomcat, and deploying to the cloud.


Github repo

Image of Horarios UNSA
Vue logo Pug logo CoffeeScript logo Sass logo

As a result of my previous experience with fansubbing, I was invited to join a group of fansubbers. I made a website for them, where they could upload their subtitles.

As it was a low risk project (made for free, for some individuals I didn't personally know), I decided to try out new technologies that interested me at the time.

I made only the Front-End, the Back-End was made by another person.

The second iteration of the Horarios UNSA website. This time I used VueJS.

In 2019 I discovered functional programming with F#. As I learned about more new languages & paradigms like haskell, erlang, lisp, etc. I became interested in making a new programming language.

I began working on a compiler for my new language, which changed names, syntax, semantics, target platform, etc. many times. I wrote a simple compiler, and rewrote it in multiple languages.

The first iteration was called Modoki, an indentation based, functional, statically typed language that compiled to JS. I wrote a static site for its documentation.

The next rewrite of my compiler was called KScript. It was written in TypeScript.

I wrote a simple web editor for it, syntax highlighting, and a simple transpiler & interpreter.

A fictional CRUD system made for a university course.

It used JavaEE, raw MySQL, VueJS and was deployed on a Tomcat server.


GitHub (FE) GitHub (BE)

Image of Rimajon
Kotlin logoVue logo TS logo Sass logo

A Mahjong-like game, but with cards instead of tiles.

I didn't use a game engine or webgl, I made the game like a regular website. It was made with VueJS, and the backend was made with Kotlin.

It featured lobby creation/join, waiting rooms, 4 players per game, server-side game logic, and a simple AI.

Third rewrite. Now with SolidJS.

By this time I felt confident with my VueJS skills, so I decided to try out new frameworks. I tried React, but I didn't like it as much. I then tried SolidJS, and I liked it a lot.

I also used CSS-in-JS for the first time, with Aphrodite.


At Netlify GitHub

Image of Misti
Rust logoSolidJS logo TS logo

The next rewrite of my programming language. This time the compiler was written in Rust*.

The documentation was written in SolidJS.

*This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with The Rust Foundation.

Sistema de acreditacion

At netlify GitHub

Image of Sistem
React logo TS logo Tailwind logo

A capstone project for a university course. I made it with a group of 6 people. I lead the Front-End team.

This was my introduction to TailwindCSS, and I've been using it ever since.

My latest rewrite of my programming language. This time the language targets PHP instead of JS.

The compiler is written in Rust. The Front-End is written in markdown, and compiled to HTML with my own static site generator, also written in Rust.

This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with The Rust Foundation.