feat: work on day 1 part 2

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Araozu 2024-11-09 07:36:47 -05:00
parent e0c144c73d
commit 1330e091a2

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@ -43,7 +43,73 @@
sum (reduce + 0 numbers)]
(str sum)))
; It looks like some of the digits are actually spelled out with letters:
; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine also count as valid "digits".
; you now need to find the real first and last digit on each line
; Vector of List of String,String
(def patterns ['("one" "1") '("two" "2") '("three" "3")
'("four" "4") '("five" "5") '("six" "6")
'("seven" "7") '("eight" "8") '("nine" "9")])
; the search tree
; a node is a list with `:n` as first element, and then
; many options list. Each list option is a (Char, Node|Leaf).
; A leaf is (:l Int)
; Tree :: Vec of Node | Leaf
; Node :: (Char, Tree)
; Leaf :: String
; tree [
; (\a "1")
; ]
; adds a new word to the current search tree
(defn build-search-tree
([] '())
; (Tree, String, String) -> Tree
([prev-tree new-word new-value]
; Vec of Char
[new-letters (sequence new-word)])))
(defn new-leaf [value] value)
(defn new-node [char tree] (list char tree))
(def tree (new-node \a (new-leaf "A")))
; (build-search-tree "a" "1")
; Search tree that, given a starting index `idx`,
; attempt to find a textual digit at that position.
(defn digit-at? [letters idx])
; Given "one3two4six" returns "13246"
; Given "eighttwothree" should include "823" somewhere, in that order
; String -> String
(defn sanitize-str [input]
(reduce (fn [acc next] (clojure.string/replace acc (first next) (last next))) input patterns))
(defn part2 []
(println "here will be the solution to day 1 part 2"))
(let [sanitized-lines (map sanitize-str lines)
numbers-str (map calibration-value-1 sanitized-lines)
numbers (map Integer/parseInt numbers-str)
sum (reduce + 0 numbers)]
(str sum)))